光陽機車 Xciting 500R 開箱推薦/評價/心得/開箱文/最便宜/價錢/比較划算/Mobile01

光陽機車 Xciting 500R 雙燈版


鷹王駕臨 ~ 玉樹臨風

最新款大型休旅車 ~ 猛禽亮相
這 部超級速克達,主要也是針對長程休旅的騎乘進行設計,來自猛禽之王<老鷹>的概念,各位可以發現到Xciting 500 的頭部造型就像一頭擁有銳利眼神的巨鷹,帝王氣度,非凡無比;雙長軸距的車身,把機車騎乘的空間作妥善規劃,坐墊寬深舒適,讓騎士感受頭等艙的舒適感,明 亮如晝的前燈,質感豪華大氣,搭配加大擾流線條,完美無暇的帝王旗艦,500cc順暢的動能輸出,極致快感,超級享受!英文的簡介如下喔~

First of all, the design concept for the 2009 new version Xciting Ri was focused on the target user’s lifestyle and requirement that to enrich the life quality for the modern city life and to add the sporty characteristic that meet the latest of car styling design concept. Also, the practical application and friendly technology were set as the principal for styling design as well.
To the aggressive eagle eyes-like twin headlamp delivers the high class of sporty characteristic, also the practical blue light LED position light are usefully for the mid night cruiser and to enhances the safety and to make the front view kinds of high class styling.

讓館長解釋一 下 ^^~ 光陽對於重車款的訴求,對於休閒&生活的品味作為主軸,休閒型的重車,不再只是讓人覺得是溫文儒雅,整體機車的工藝設計也開始對於動感操控作為設 計的訴求! 所以,在光陽的卓越工藝設計成果下,雙鷹眼式的頭燈,成為本車的霸氣靈魂,並搭配有如奧迪汽車般的LED燈眉定位燈,更是凸顯出科技以及霸氣的王者駕臨風 範! 也讓騎乘的視覺,與行路安全更進一步提升!


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